martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Black Gene For the Next Scene revela los datos de su 4º single

Black Gene For the Next Scene revela los datos de su 4º single "cynical wa-world~This is monster world~" el próximo 26 de marzo

Limitada (1890 Yen)
01. cynical wa-world~This is monster world~
02. Tokyo samurai theater
cynical wa-world~This is monster world~ PV & off-shot

Regular A (1575 Yen)
01. cynical wa-world~This is monster world~
02. Tokyo samurai theater
03. Piglect

Regular B (1575 Yen)
01. cynical wa-world~This is monster world~
02. Tokyo samurai theater
03. SHOW the cloven hoof

Regular C (525 Yen)
01. SE
02. cynical wa-world~This is monster world~

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